about me

egg or eggs, also go by mint / 20s / enby / he/him or they/them
scorpio sun / aries moon / taurus rising / virgo venus

- i watch a lot of anime and don't read nearly as much manga as i would like.
- i love playing games but ffxiv takes up too much of my time so my backlog is huge.

i plan on using this site mostly as a collection of things i enjoy and want to share, in a more personalized way than i do on social media. something about this place makes it feel more cozy and comfortable to post on? perhaps it's the lack of expectation that normally comes with typical socmed that makes it freeing. maybe it's the fact there are no numbers slowly ticking upwards or downwards in relation to your posts. either way, what you can expect to see here is pure self-expression and all for the sake of fun ♥
why eggs and mint?
well, i used to tell people it's because i always have fried eggs and mint tea for breakfast but. that's not actually true, on top of the fact that they are words that sound nice together and that i was thinking of honey and clover at the time, my old tumblr url was eggnaul-lidgemint (mad lib(?) on acknowledgement) pls dont look it up its so embarrassing i made it when i was 15 and at some point i needed to make a side-blog or needed another username that was shorter, so i took the 'egg' and the 'mint' in 'eggnaullidgemint' and put them together: eggs and mint!
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