

collection of random thoughts #1

date: 29/5/2023
mood: tummy ache....
music: 白金ディスコ - 阿良々木 月火 (CV:井口 裕香)
currently: lurking on anime discord servers

these are actually random twitter threads i made a while back.. yes. i still use the cursed bird app unfortunately. tho ive been using tumblr a bit more often lately. i plan on making another blog post like this with some more random thoughts, ill try to remember to save threads i make in the future so i can share them here as well

Mar 5, 2022
-i am so over hyper-realism in games, have been for years. i could not care less for how shiny or high fidelity your gfx are, please just have good and effective art direction. that's all that really matters for visual appeal
-especially because it always /always/becomes outdated in a few years whereas unique art direction like okami or wind waker is timeless. but anyway this is an old and rote take, all you need to know is i quit playing triple eh years ago and this was one of the big reasons why


Mar 10, 2022 (thoughts on life is strange:true colors)
-the choices in listc (lis3?) so far have been ranging from "do you want to do a good thing or be a complete asshole" to actually interesting dilemmas, there were a few picks i was surprised the majority of players didn't go for
-im also missing a lot more side stuff than i expected which is frustrating but at least i got to kiss a cute boy (thank you deck nine for the equally viable and actually likable romance options)
-to elaborate, the choice between chloe and warren was non existent (lol), i found both cassidy and finn to be extremely annoying, before the storm was just amberfield the game so, yea idk, nice to have a cute fulfilling little romance story within the game, as a treat, just for me 💕
-both steph and ryan are very cute with good chemistry between the two of them and alex, i would say it was a hard choice to make b/c of that but... my pref atm is so heavily skewed towards men, im so sorry steph im sure i would've picked you if i played like 2yrs ago

Mar 13, 2022
-i find it funny that all these '90s anime art style was better!!!' posts don't realize that back then that was the norm, that was what was 'generic'/'samey' at the time. we only see it as charming now b/c of nostalgia. nothing wrong with that! but it's just funny to think about, like even early/mid 00s styles are considered charming and unique now even though at the time people were so sick of it lmao (at least from what i remember)
-"but i like the 90s art styles so much more!! why did they have to ruin it?" homie you know you could just go and watch those old anime if you want to, right?


song of the day #2

date: 8/5/2023
mood: still kinda groggy
music: 優しい夜明け - See-Saw
currently: playing the cult of the lamb dlc

another song that's been stuck in my head lately, i was thinking of adding it as site bgm but i figured making a post about it would make more sense

fun fact: i have actually never watched this anime in full! and im not sure when i will, i came across it while listening to music from tsubasa chronicle and found out they had the same composer (kajiura yuki) and were made by the same animation studio iirc. the opening is quite as well imo

yewchube recs #2

date: 26/4/2023
mood: stomach ache hreughhh
music: weather systems - andrew bird
currently: waiting to play honkai star rail

heyo, i dont really have anything clever or insightful to say today, i just updated a few smalls things on my site and added a lyrics/quotes page, im probably going to add another sketchbook entry next and maybe finally start working on my ocs page.. either way here's my video recommendation to you for the day:

this channel has been one of my recent favorites, i dont see nearly enough videos discussing the topic of graphic design history with the same level of detail

song of the day #1

date: 21/4/2023
mood: kinda tired
music: bunny is a rider - caroline polachek
currently: listening to youtube videos

today was the first day of eid! and i slept through it entirely!

this song has been stuck in my head ever since i watched the second macross frontier movie, i adore megumi nakajima's voice

spring 2023 anime picks

date: 20/4/2023
mood: fine
music: beabadoobee - cologne
currently: on a discord call with my friends

since this is my first post about anime on here i feel like i should add a preface about my tastes maybe? nothing that's not already on my anilit or elsewhere, but what usually matters most to me is emotional investment and/or attachment to the story, setting, most of all the characters. visual appeal and quality of art direction are also hugely important to me, unless a tv series/movie/etc that i find ugly or hard to look at comes HIGHLY recommended (by friends who know my taste) i will most likely skip it

with that in mind, i usually dont pick up that many anime when a new season starts, which is funny because i have picked up TEN whole shows this season? not to say im going to stick with all of them!i do the three episode rule unless im exceptionally bothered or bored. anyway here's this season's anime listed from most to least enjoyed

my most enjoyed

as i am ever predictable, the idol show, the romcom drama, and the josei, are of course my favorites. there is nothing i dislike about any of the above. i have enjoyed every single moment of them and am highly looking forward to the next episodes (not pictured: mahoutsukai no yome s2.. i still havent watched the prequel ova)

intrigued and entertained and yet unsure

not to say i dislike any of these shows, i just have no clue where theyre going? like im def committed to watch them all the way through, the first few episodes have caught my interest (especially oshi no ko holy shit) but there's no guarantee i'll enjoy them all the way through just yet

fun, but i might drop

in the case of demon slayer: im just tired of the battle shonen formula i suppose. it's very shiny and glossy and pretty to look at sure, and all my friends are getting into it right now so i guess that's my biggest motivator to stick with it - as for houkago insomnia, it's cute! seems cozy, slow going, healing, and so on. which are all things i enjoy but i feel like i need to be in the right mood and/or headspace for it? i might be overthinking it tho. im more likely to put it on hold instead of drop it. and for pokemon uuuhh. it's gonna be long. and im scared of that commitment. not to mention the sub group said every single episode release is gonna be 1gb like who the hell has that kind of space to spare

some anime that kinda piqued my interest but not enough to fully pick them up (yet): edomae elf, kawaisugi crisis, the dangers in my heart, otonari ni ginga. if you are watching these please let me know what you think !!

that's it... that's my first seasonal anime update post on my very own neocities website. idk why im nervous about posting this, im also unsure if ill post again at the end of the season with closing thoughts in the same manner but ill probably occasionally post my thoughts on my other socials. the next post will most likely be another youtube video recommendation. thanks for reading!

yewchube recs #1

date: 19/4/2023
mood: listless
music: none. listening to noir vesper's zatsu
currently: collecting stamps and blinkies

hello! while this place is still very much under construction, i wanted to at least start making some actual posts on occasion. this video is from an old favorite creator of mine, to me his work has never missed. it's always been insightful and highly informative, this one was such an emotional journey to watch through. the cover at the end took me by surprise ngl, i didnt know he was such a good singer

iirc the original upload of the video was taken down and lost all its initial views and traction because of that. so please, if you've enjoyed it even a little bit please share it around!

hi there

date: 16/4/2023
mood: having fun
music: amatsu kaze - masayoshi soken
currently: editing this site

so my dear friend jay convinced me to make a neocities site of my own, ive been meaning to try my hand at this for a while now so im glad they finally gave me that final push to sit down and actually start working at it.

i am very inexperienced with html! (aside from making extremely minor edits to my tumblr theme and posts) so getting this place to look the way i actually want it to will prolly take a while. i have a lot i want to show, collect, archive, etc.

for now tho here's a to do list for this site:
  • about page
  • make my own stamp/button linking back to here
  • ✦make occasional 'blog' posts about seasonal anime im watching
  • ✦favorite things (19/4/2023 update: it's up! but still incomplete)
  • songs/playlists
  • ✦ocs page
  • ✦watchlist/backlog
  • sketchbook page
  • ✦wishlist and/or recent purchases and pre-orders
  • ✦find a way to fix cursor sparkle trail turning off after playing the music (on the top right, it's draggable btw!)
  • ✦page linking to all sources for art i used on this site
  • ✦✦✦definitely absolutely need a stamps page
